smooth but no empty slot today to play around or anything. everything was lining nicely side by side waiting for my personal touch to make things happen. i'm contended among the rumbles of papers, emails of quotations and po's, notes and sticky notes of task or orders from my boss, paper clips, reminders, phone in and out to suppliers asking for deliverable bla bla bla because i love management! i love managing things.
best of all, i can answer 'YES' 'DONE' 'CONFIRM' 'SURE' when my boss asked. i can already figure out my task! alhamdulillah! thanks the Almighty for listening to my silent pray and sheepish hope. getting comfortable with my works now thou hi-cups every now and then! :) even better because i can do things, almost everything just by seating on my chair, clicking on my mouse, pointing the cursor here and there -- no need to run or scream or scold or etc which is pathetic and tiresome. alhamdulillah...
everyone is busy today. less talking, more working. good. felt guilty thou but it is understandable. so we'll play around when we have time, ok! ahaha theres one quotes about this. i'll paste at the end later.
this post sound so bored right? better end here. haha but wait, congratulation to Malaysian football team. thou loose to singapore tonite, it is a very good start to our football industry. maybe we'll be better next year? but it's kinda disappointing when despite every player can kick the ball to score goal, our player depend much to jersey no 10 only to make score.
for me, just go and kick the ball! let it mean kicking the opponents players, let it yellow card by the reff, let it outside, offside or whatever..just kick the ball and score! who the end, its the score that counts! hihi anyway, gambatte next time around! :)
Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot ~ D. H. Lawrence. English novelist (1885 - 1930)
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