Saturday, 20 August 2011

the jars

i started collecting the jars already. been a year since. i don't know would it be useful on that day? i hope so HAHA

actually i faced with lots of issues lately, and my mine as usual just cant think of anything else, until the issue solve. damn! why sometime it was so hard? but then by my own logic mind, i answered: if i can get everything i want in this life, will i want anything more?

my hard-headed demon rebel caused me a priced today. i dont know will i solve it or just leave it by the time i face it. i dont want to think to much, but i have to! sometimes i scold myself because i was too serious! even when buying a magazine, i will think of something with 'added value". like whats the story inside, whats the language use, worth or not bla bla bla cant i just buy something for "fun"? like gossips, like make ups, fashions bla bla bla

oh..about the magazine (which obviously not mine!), writes something about being 20's is about exploring ages. i should not compared myself with other, because i'm actually competing with my own self! no one else to, take it easy yar...

oh really? will i say the same to my girl or boys when they were at my age but still have issues with what they really want in their life?? can i be that cool like a future can be build in just 7 days?!

see...i'm so serious person!

i dont know, please Allah help me ~ i'm sick of being like this! too far to turned back, but the end still nowhere near!

you! thinking about you, and if you know, been few days already! another sick factor! caused i just cant tell you, i reminisce time we once had! i think i want to let this kept in my heart only. let time do their math, make me sick holding it ~ until its too it! dont know how else to do. cant force you remember me, cant force me forget you...

the jars, don't know would it be useful on that day?  hahahaha lol


  1. oh my...

    my dear fren..

    aku rase kite memang kene go sumwhere n get stunned!!!(hehehe,rilekkss)

    aku bace kat twitter, ade la sape ntah punye quote,"You only have one life, so don't spend it focusing on what others want to see, focus on what you want to be"..

  2. wah..i envy you this time!! i just cant be any positive lately.......! :(

  3. hehehe...ntah la weh...aku pun tengah dalam situasi yang same cam ko gak nih..tapi tak tau la..mabi hati aku da mule trbuka untuk menerima reality..aku pun brsyukur la family n kawan2 trutama ko ade disamping aku d kala aku tgh depress..bukan nak kite slalu je positive in everything...memang tak boley la camtu..boley giler weh..hahaha...jus there's a point in life yang kite kene sit down n pk psl diri sendiri drpada pk psl orang lain..u know wut i mean??dulu ko penah kate pd aku la..yg there is time kite kene pentingka diri sendiri...ape gune kawan meh if i cant listen to ur prob when u listened to mine..

  4. gumbiranya saya!!!'s....yup! mmg x bley 100% positive, tu ROBOT jek..:D
    key word is sabar kot, life is up & down, just dont gv up when down! gv time to feel bad, cry etc then kick back!!!
    *thou easier said than done! but, yeah bebey, wat ever dont kill meh, oni make meh stronger! chayo!!! :D
