Monday, 2 July 2012

selamat datang dan selamat pergi

Memperkenalkan, ahli keluarga baru saya, cik Violet! Sebuah SE warna mystic yang terasa begitu chumil skali! haha Gambar x amik lagi, sebab tergesa2 menjemput anak dara saya yang baru tu dari 'hospital' kat Ampang petang tadi.

walau pun saya familiar jalan tersebut, tapi sebab gemuruh ditambah beberapa masalah teknikal lain, yang menggugat rasa dan iman yang memang sedikit ni; perjalanan jadi sangkut sikit2..tapi akhirnya, alhamdulillah :)

dob: 1/7/12, 5.45pm, 1.5 kg!
antara takut dan berani, sebab saya tak pernah test drive pun! hanya study comment dan spesifikasi dari internet, akhirnya anak dara saya selamat 'dilahirkan' dan dibawa pulang dengan selamat ke PH. Sepanjang jalan terasa 'tinggi' dari orang lain! *ish3 betapa chomel nya aku! 

so far pengalaman beberapa minit tu terasa ok dan baik. tiada bunyi pelik atau kepelikan yang diperkatakan oleh kawan yang baru membeli 'transformer' 3 bulan lepas. harapnya x ada apa yang tak best, sementelah namanya 'lagi best'. harap cancel plan beli proton demi mengelakkan masalah begini, berbaloi2..

selamat datang violet. menggantikan kylie yang setia menemani sejak 2006, menempuh suka dan duka, masa-masa duka gembira, tinggi-rendah bersama-sama. pindah rumah dengan kylie hingga tak nampak belakang! harapan aku, moga violet turut berbakti sebaik malah lebih baik lagi, mengambil tempat kylie. aku harap, 15 minit mereka parking sebelah tadi, cukup untuk violet terima amanat dari kylie. 

fyi violet diperolehi dengan perasaan berbaur! ada marah, duka, geram, bengang etc Biarlah, hanya Allah yang tahu dan membalas. Harapnya balaslah saja di dunia, tak perlu sampai ke akhirat sana.

loving memories 
This is a story about a friendship between human and machine.

It was end of 2006, i was on my last term working at the first company after graduated from Uitm. I meet  her few month or maybe few years before that, and fell in love with her cuteness! our relation was nothing more on that time until brother decided to pass the car to me, while my sister in law bought a Neo. 

I remember the first time i bath her, she become so shinny, even my sister in law cant recognised! That was our first bonding together. At that very time I actually haven't pass my driving license yet, still with L and keep on failing my bukit-test! We venture the road together and i become expert driving auto-car since she is so cute and easy to maneuver.

I hate sending her to service because I have to see her hanging on the car-jack when they were changging her oil and filter. i think she afraid of height and scream for help! i can hear her screams, that is why i hate sending her there! i think it's just normal for a mother to feel guilty seeing their kids injected with needles right?

our longest distance adventure is Penang, i think about 2 or 3 times. And the highest is Cameron Highland. Countless of Genting and balik kampung. Overall kylie is a very good car. i remember when we were coming back from Seremban, attending my friends open house, that is the first time her rubber strip on the right side of the roof toppled off. We stop by at petrol station and some guys tease us for driving so fast!

I salute kylie because she never had any major problem while carry me around. She never broke down or even puncture her tyre in the middle of no where. Always, if ever happen, is still on my compound, easy for me to get help and stay safe. When i live in puchong, she always get assaulted by naughty hand.
somedays my tyre were flat all of a sudden and my tyre tube lid was stolen.

i salute her further when i come back from kl to my hometown in segamat for my sister wedding, actually her fan is not functioning, but she didn't stop or broke along the route, keep on safe until i arrived home with the cakes and all. the only spare part needed change is that fan and the auto power window motor. that is happen due to wear and tear, not any careless by her.

then come the major accident last June. the stupid motocycles cause her to be repair and i was left without her for a week. that incident change me a lot especially because it involve other people in my life, related or unrelated with her! it's a point of maturity, and i decide to have no string attached with anyone anymore. that is why, i look for other car. with my name on it.

kylie is not guilty. i hope, after this she was handed to a kind hand. gentler and caring than me. i hope they built a great journey together, greater than what i had with her. i hope she doing well after this, better and continue serving other people the way she serve me. protect me. and accompany me. 
i hope she's even happier with the new owner. i wish her all the best. 

thank you so much for being there with me once. thanks for the memories, thanks for the cares, thanks for the pride, thanks for the friendship! i love you so much. i will never forget you. 

it will be so hard seeing you driven away, which maybe i will never see you again..

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